Contact our notary

Notary Valentina Crescimanno is at your disposal for purchases and sales, mortgages, inheritance practices, company deeds, authentication of documents and notary services, in general. The preparation of a deed is always accompanied by a careful consultation that illustrates the legal and fiscal implications of the requested operation to the client with clarity and transparency.

Our notary is available at our two offices in Palermo and Bisacquino. On this page, you will find our telephone numbers and e-mail addresses to request appointments or information.

Locations and contact details

Valentina Crescimanno Notaio

Palermo firm

Via Marchese di Villabianca, 95

90143, Palermo (PA)

Tel. +39 091 329376


Bisacquino secondary firm

Piazza Triona, 28

90032 Bisacquino (PA)

Tel . +39 091 8352967


Opening hours

Mon - Fri
- -
Sat - Sun
Note: The Bisacquino office is closed on Fridays

Write to our notary's office for a consultation

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